I don't know about y'all, but every time I read the Linda Darling-Hammond book, I want to pack my bags and hop in a plane to Finland, Hong Kong, or Singapore. I'm left frustrated that the solutions described in the book seem so far off for American students. And, after reading this chapter, I was left wondering what I can do as a student and as a future teacher to create a positive change in the way our students are assessed, which would ultimately also have positive effects on teaching and learning. These are some of the questions that occurred to me as I read the chapter, that I would love to hear your thoughts on:
What can we, as students/teachers, do to help our students thrive within our stressful high-stakes, almost entirely content-based, assessment culture?
Do you think that the general American public would be receptive to a teacher-managed, school-based examination system, like those found in Finland and Hong Kong? Why or why not?
In Texas, do you think the move from the TAKS to the STAAR is a move in the right direction, according to the criteria set forth by LDH? Is it enough? Why or why not?